Week of Summer Family Fun
Mark your calendar now for a week of summer church family activities during the week of June 23-28.
Sunday, June 23rd (6-8pm): Join us at the Eagle Eyrie Conference Center Pool
The pool offers fun to those of all ages as it progresses from a wading pool on one end with large water mushroom and water sprayers and then continues into a deeper end with two fun water slides. There are also plenty of chairs and some tables available around the pool to provide a great place for our folks to fellowship with others while enjoying watching those splashing in the water.
Meal will also be provided.
Monday, June 24th (arrive as early as 4:30pm – 7pm): Join us at NBBC to work on Grand Prix Car Construction
Gather and work on your (or help another with) Grand Prix car in anticipation of the race that will occur later in the week. This is a great opportunity to fellowship, share tools and/or talents to help another with shaping, cutting, designing, coaching, instructing and encouraging them as they construct their race cars.
Tuesday, June 25th (All Day Event): Join us at Holiday Lake State Park
This state park offers a lot of different activities to include a lake with a beach swimming area, boating, fishing and hiking trails. While I’ll be out there early with my family, you are welcome to come out at any time that would work for your schedule. The cost per car is $7.
Treat and water will be provided.
Wednesday, June 26th: Join us for our regularly scheduled church service
Thursday, June 27th (6-8pm): Join us at NBBC for an Outdoor and Indoor Nerf War
We’ll be conducting an outdoor Nerf War and then proceed indoors for a special Nerf War in which we will turn off the lights in the Fellowship Hall, use glow in the dark darts, balloons, bracelets and strobe light!
Meal will be provided.
Friday, June 28th (5:30-8:30pm with race car check-in at 5pm): Join us at NBBC for our Annual Grand Prix Race
Get Ready, Get Set, Go! Racers will enjoy friendly competition as they race their cars and spectators cheer them on! Also be sure to bring a car entered from a previous Grand Prix race to put on display in our Antique Car Show. This is a great time of fun and fellowship for all ages!
Meal will be provided.
Please be sure to sign-up for each of the events that you plan on attending so that we will know, not only who will be joining us for these fun events, but also how much food/snack/drinks to provide. Sign-up sheets are located in the church hallway.