Haiti Updates from Jason and Stormy Wooldridge

Posted on Jul 13, 2015Author Dana RenaldsCategoriesComments 0

Hello Church Family!

Here is news from Jason and Stormy concerning their trip to meet their son. . .

July 20, 2015

We have our social worker interview tomorrow morning. Prayers would be appreciated. We are asking for favor with the social worker and wisdom as we answer her questions. Trusting that the Lord will give us the words to say and direct our time together as Tre will be with us. 





July 18, 2015

We have been in Haiti for a week and so much has happened in a short time.  Although we have considered Tresilus our son for a long time, he now calls us Mama and Poppa and his face lights up with recognition when he sees us.  He runs to us with open arms every time he sees us and is sure anyone who is around know we are his.  We now know his smile, his laugh, his voice, his many expressions, and his touch.  He has gone from allowing us to hold him to reaching for us so we will hold him, from letting us kiss him to pressing his cheek to our lips, to stealing a kiss when my eyes were covered, to kissing me over and over looking straight into my eyes.  We are so grateful for this time we have with him and are cherishing every moment.  Thank you for all the many prayers.  We are so grateful.

Jason and Stormy



Saturday, July 17, 2015

Praising the Lord that yesterday was a better day. Our goodbye was much better and the night was cool.  So grateful for your prayers.

Jason and Stormy


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Our time here has been really good. Today and yesterday were hotter and today was like really hot.  It is like Haiti took it easy on us the first few days.  We continue to be amazed at our time with Tre.  How he runs to us, tells each person who passes by we are his.  He is still all about his Poppa but I get love too.  I am getting more love as of today.  I think Jason has been working on him with saying Mama. So many sweet moments. Until today we have been able to tell him bye [in the evening when they have to leave the orphanage] and he would go on about his business but he got sad and teary today.  

We appreciate everyone’s prayers and know they are being heard and answered.  We really couldn’t ask for it to be going any better.  God is so good and we are thankful for the prayers.

Jason and Stormy


Saturday, July 11, 2015

All went very well today. God is so good. We got settled in and went to meet Tre around 3. He greeted us with big ol hugs calling us mamma and pappa. It tore me up. I cant explain the emotion we were going through just playing and interacting with him. Just putting my eyes on him was worth it all. The rest of the kiddos were also very fun to interact with. Love just poured out all afternoon. Thanks for the prayers!

Jason and Stormy

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