
Sunday School

Sunday School begins every Sunday morning at 9:45.

Children’s Classes are grouped by age/grade:

Nursery: birth – 2 yrs old

Preschool: 2-4 yrs old


Grades 1-3

Grades 4-5

Youth Grades 6-12


Children’s Ministry

Our children’s ministry clubs meet on Sunday nights from 4:30-6 pm.

These ministries are led by well-trained church members who love our Savior and kids!



“Cubbies” – 3 years old through Pre-K.

Cubbies is an AWANA-produced program. During our Cubbies’ meetings, we play age-appropriate games, enjoy a delicious snack, tell engaging puppet stories, share Bible lessons, and memorize Scripture appropriate to our little ones’ development.

Darla Owens and Charlotte Wilson, leaders

“CLUB” – K5 through 5th Grade

Kid’s Club is a ministry full of fun and energy! When we gather together, we engage our children with the truth of God’s Word through a Bible lesson, discussion time, singing songs, and memorizing Scripture. Our children also enjoy a nightly game, snack, and activity time as we fellowship with each other.




“Good News Club” – K5 through 5th Grade

Good News Club is a Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)-developed outreach to a local public school. We meet one afternoon a week at the end of the school day, each fall and spring. During this time we enjoy snacks, games, songs, and a gospel-centered Bible lesson that we talk over in small group time divided by grade.

For more information on any of these meetings, please contact Pastor Bill at 571-330-5662


“Summer Activities” – When our CLUB ministry takes a break for the summer activities, we host regular family activities that promote fun and fellowship with God’s Word as central. Please look at our calendar of events for more information concerning these events.

“CentriKid Camp” – One of these activities includes attending CentriKid Camp at Eagle Eyrie Baptist Conference Center. To learn more about CentriKid, visit their website here:

“Vacation Bible School” – VBS is held in the evenings during a specific week each summer for children age 4 through fifth grade.  The date this year is July 9-14, 2023.  Registration will open June 1, 2023.  You may listen to the music to be used and learned by the children in this year’s VBS by clicking on the image below.


