
Sunday School

The Cornerstone Class utilizes Explore the Bible literature as the basis for its bible study. This co-ed class examines God’s Word and its applications for present day living. The growing class meets in the fellowship hall each Sunday morning at 9:45 am. Come join us as we study God’s Word together! The class is facilitated by Terry Hutchens, Bill Banegas, and Jessy Richard.

The Life Words Class utilizes literature of the same name. This co-ed class examines both the Old Testament and New Testament scriptures on a weekly basis.  This class meets in the classroom across from the nursery on the main floor of the church each Sunday morning at 9:45 am. The class is facilitated by Doug Chaney.


Women’s Ministry Council

Women's Ministry Slider

Interested women of the church plan miscellaneous bible studies and fellowship opportunities for the ladies of the church and community. These events typically take place on a quarterly basis to allow bonding of believers and spiritual growth outside of corporate worship events.

Contact Stacey Foster at 434-384-0889 with any questions you may have about this ministry.


Men’s Ministry


Our Men’s ministry at North Bedford Baptist Church is focused on spiritual growth, Christian service, accountability, and understanding our roles as Christian husbands, fathers, and God’s servants.

We pull together as God’s workers to help others in need.  Projects that we have done in the past include Christmas in April and many mission/work trips to help on various projects ranging from building new churches to working in flood damaged areas.

Contact Pastor Chad with any questions you may have about this ministry.