Children’s CLUB Hosts Missionaries

Posted on Mar 5, 2014Author Dana RenaldsCategoriesComments 0

The Turnbulls

This past Sunday night, March 2, North Bedford’s Children’s Ministry “Club” hosted Wallace and Eleanor Turnbull. The Turnbulls have been missionaries to Haiti since 1946.

Their visit to North Bedford coincided with the end of the story: Ti-Fam, The Witchdoctor’s Daughters published by CEF Press.

Our children have been following this true story over the past 5 weeks, and the Turnbulls are actually featured as significant players all throughout the story. What a blessing it was for our children to hear the story of how our great God used the Turnbulls and then to be able to meet them and hear from them in person!

They are truly a treasure to have so near, a great example of Godly “living sacrifices,” as they say, who have served the Lord faithfully for over 6 decades. So thankful our children got to meet them!


For more information about the Turnbulls and the Baptist Haiti Mission, which they founded visit:


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About Dana Renalds